Фіналісти Effie Awards Ukraine 2019

Effie Awards Ukraine 2019 анонсує фіналістів – найбільш ефективні кампанії України в області маркетингових комунікацій.

У фінал пройшло 122 заявки у 42 категоріях. За умовами конкурсу роботи оцінюються у три етапи членами журі Effie Awards Ukraine, визнаними професіоналами рекламно-комунікаційного ринку. У першому турі були визначені фіналісти, у другому – переможці, а на засіданні 3 грудня члени Гранд журі оберуть Гран-прі конкурсу.

Переможці конкурсу будуть оголошені вже 13 грудня на Effie Gala, що проходитиме у конгрес-центрі Mercure Congress Centre комплексу Mercure Kyiv Congress.

Шукайте себе в списку фіналістів конкурсу Effie Awards Ukraine 2019.

У разі запитань, звертайтеся до оргкомітету: +380 44 490-90-30,  Ольга Підгорська, project@vrk.org.ua.

Entrant Entry name Marketer Brand
1. Food
TBWA Ukraine Mini.No words needed when you love PrJSC Myronivsky Hliboproduct TM «Baschinskiy» PrJSC Myronivsky Hliboproduct TM «Baschinskiy»
Media First Ukraine How we won 50% of the chips market thanks to the movies PepsiCo Ukraine Lay’s
banda Sausagesnack: creating a new category in a year DMYTRUK DMYTRUK
2. Non-alcoholic drinks
Rockets. Growth R&D Only humor can defeat boredom AB InBev Efes Kvass « Selo i Lyudy»
UM Fruit that recharge Vitmark Jaffa
3. Alcoholic drinks
Rockets. Growth R&D Martini-WOW-effect Bacardi-Martini Ukraine Martini
5. Health & Beauty
Carat Ukraine This is not a shaver. This is OneBlade Philips Ukraine Philips OneBlade
Hoshva PR&DGTL Listerine ® "Guarantee of cleanliness” with Olga Freimut Johnson & Johnson Ukraine Listerine®
Hoshva PR&DGTL o.b. do – is our password! Johnson & Johnson Ukraine o.b.
6. Medicines & medical care services
Isobar Scarman: Establishing a New Audience Bayer Bepanthen® Plus
10. Products & services for children
WARTO Dytynology of Special Development: It's OK to be different Medical Network Dobrobut MN Dobrobut
12. Telecommunications services
Postmen #druhyishans 1+1 media group 1+1 media group
McCANN Kyiv Joice + Teenagers = hangout on top Vodafone Vodafone
14. Building industry & real estate
banda UNIT.Home: technologies you want to live in KAN Development/UDP UNIT.Home
16. Retail & public services
Vandog Agency Consultants TM Intertop TM Intertop
17. Fashion. Style. Clothing. Jewelry. Accessories.
banda One Ukrainian brand against an army of Chinese no name YES YES
18. Foodservice
TBWA Ukraine Breakfast in McDonald`s McDonald`s Ukraine McDonald’s
19. Energy, Nutrition & Fitness
banda How Hiitworks found its place among the fitness market monsters hiitworks hiitworks
20. Leisure, entertainment, culture & education, travel & tourism
Gres Todorchuk PR The first in Ukraine urban interactive Ecotrail Intertop Ukraine Intertop Ukraine
banda NAMU: How to beat a 120-year record in museum attendance National Art Museum of Ukraine National Art Museum of Ukraine
banda Global rebranding of Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ukraine NOW
banda From the abandoned factory KievMetroBud to the Top 10 world’s festivals Closer Brave! Factory
21. Financial & Business services
Havas Ukraine Taras-OK-guy and Sava-The-Amazing Moneyveo Moneyveo
banda How to change people's attitude to cashback Letyshops Letyshops
22. Media & Self promotion
Doris Advertising Our ideas go to waste Doris Advertising Doris Advertising
banda Project 70: how to make a brand out of 10 vacancies banda banda
24. Other services
banda Oh, com'on! Pumping Ukrainian women's confidence Work.ua Work.ua
banda How to turn a gas station into a place for ideas ОККО ОККО
25. Social & charity
Postmen Break the circle of violenсe United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine UNFPA Ukraine
UAMASTER digital agency #smthwentwrong Change Communication Change Communication
Kurazh Bazar Anyone can be anything Kurazh Bazar Kurazh Bazar
Adsapience Mastercard. Brand with purpose Mastercard Ukraine Mastercard
MedInform Ukraine #playWithHeart Bella-Trade Seni CUP
1+1 media Beam of Dreams / #mychildhooddream 1+1 media 1+1 media
26. Political and patriotic campaigns, state campaigns and programs
banda Global rebranding of Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ukraine NOW
banda NAMU: how to beat a 120-year record in museum attendance National Art Museum of Ukraine National Art Museum of Ukraine
27. Small Budget
banda Project 70: how to make a brand out of 10 vacancies banda banda
banda NAMU: how to beat a 120-year record in museum attendance National Art Museum of Ukraine National Art Museum of Ukraine
28. Rebranding
Rockets. Growth R&D Saving Private Apetitna MHP Apetytna
banda How to turn a gas station into a place for ideas ОККО ОККО
banda NAMU: The brand for all Ukrainian art National Art Museum of Ukraine National Art Museum of Ukraine
TS/D Agency Non Stop — Energy Never Stops New Products Group of Companies Non Stop
banda Global rebranding of Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ukraine NOW
29. New technologies
iplace Doors in Metro open – cool offers in break in METRO C&C Ukraine METRO CASH & CARRY UKRAINE
banda Instoptica: fighting for Ukrainians’ eyesight in the belly of the beast Luxoptica Luxoptica
30. Product/Service Launch
TABASCO creative agency Ideal Not-milk Loostdorf Ltd Ideal Nemoloko
Rockets. Growth R&D Only humor can defeat boredom AB InBev Efes Kvass « Selo i Lyudy»
McCANN Kyiv Veni, vidi, hanging out. Vodafone Vodafone
banda Sausagesnack: creating a new category in a year DMYTRUK DMYTRUK
banda How goodwine made the most human loyalty program goodwine goodwine
banda The fastest selling of business-class housing in Kyiv’s history KAN Development/UDP UNIT.Home
31. Most effective use of social media marketing
Postmen #druhyishans 1+1 media group 1+1 media group
WARTO #IYAPROIDUTEST Medical Network Dobrobut Medical Network Dobrobut
banda Instoptica: fighting for Ukrainians’ eyesight in the belly of the beast Luxoptica Luxoptica
33. Single Impact Engagement
Rockets. Growth R&D Cool! Roshen Roshen Wafers
34. Short Term Effects
WARTO #IYAPROIDUTEST Medical Network Dobrobut Medical Network Dobrobut
Rockets. Growth R&D That's Right Roshen Roshen Wafers
Rockets. Growth R&D Only humor can defeat boredom AB InBev Efes Kvass « Selo i Lyudy»
banda Noncactus: three sold-outs in one month banda banda
banda How to get all the recruiters jealous in a month banda banda
banda The fastest selling of business-class housing in Kyiv’s history KAN Development/UDP UNIT.Home
35. Long-term Effectiveness
Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine WOW WHAT A WINNING CAMPAIGN Mareven Food Europe ROLLTON
McCANN Kyiv What a fruit! How KIVI TV's conquered the market KIVI KIVI
NEOS IQOS: From "is that a powerbank?" to TOP 5 in Google Philip Morris Sales & Distribution Limited Liability Company IQOS
banda WORK.UA: Three-year-long confidence shot Work.ua Work.ua
36. Shopper Marketing
Rockets. Growth R&D Brand+Trade=Successful Kvas AB InBev Efes Kvass « Selo i Lyudy»
37. Loyalty
banda How goodwine made the most human loyalty program goodwine goodwine
38. Experiential Marketing
Adsapience Mastercard. Brand with purpose Mastercard Ukraine Mastercard
39. Business Challenge/David vs. Goliath
McCANN Kyiv What a fruit! How KIVI TV's conquered the market KIVI KIVI
banda KABANOSY. A daredevil who challenged the sausage kings DMYTRUK DMYTRUK
41. Single Communication Channel
Kurazh Bazar Anyone can be anything Kurazh Bazar Kurazh Bazar
Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine Refresh Confidence The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Sprite
42. Sponsorship
Adsapience Mastercard. Brand with purpose Mastercard Ukraine Mastercard
Digital Choo Sponsorship as a bridge to the hearts of the audience Pari-Match Parimatch
McCANN Kyiv Lvivske and Movie that Unites Carlsberg Ukraine Lvivske
43. Seasonal Marketing
Media First Ukraine How we won 50% of the chips market thanks to the movies PepsiCo Ukraine Lay’s
Rockets. Growth R&D Give me more! Roshen Roshen Wafers
Rockets. Growth R&D Only humor can defeat boredom AB InBev Efes Kvass « Selo i Lyudy»
Starcom Hot wintAR after icy summer The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Coca-Cola
banda A business conference in the holiday season banda banda
banda An elder in the garden — season sales in Comfy Comfy Comfy
banda Borjomi: So, you’ve got temper IDS BORJOMI INTERNATIONAL Borjomi
44. PR, Corporate Reputation
Be-it agency Reading is fun with Happy Meal McDonald's Ukraine McDonald’s
Gres Todorchuk PR Little dream – big Christmas tree Rozetka Rozetka
Havas Digital Kyiv Stars against fakes Roust Ukraine Żubrówka
banda How one parents’ day got the whole agency emotional banda banda
45. Youth Marketing
Zenith Get your head in the game with Lion together Nestle Ukraine Lion
Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine Only Coke CAN do this The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Coca-Cola
Media First Ukraine #laysmoviegon PepsiCo Ukraine Lay’s
McCANN Kyiv Put your loice, it’s Joice! Vodafone Vodafone
banda From the abandoned factory KievMetroBud to the Top 10 world’s festivals Closer Brave! Factory
46. Branded content & Branded Utility
ODDEE Agency Pit Bull Fight New Products Group Pit Bull
PLUSPLUS TV Channel World of Discoveries Gravis LLC (PLUSPLUS TV Channel) PLUSPLUS
47. Native advertising
Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine Refresh Confidence The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Sprite
48. Celebrity Sells
McCANN Kyiv “Vremia i Steklo” hanging out with Joice Vodafone Vodafone
Hoshva PR&DGTL Listerine ® "Guarantee of cleanliness” with Olga Freimut Johnson & Johnson Ukraine Listerine®
49. Cross Media Storytelling
Postmen #druhyishans 1+1 media group 1+1 media group
Starcom To “see” old-fashioned Coca-Cola’s NY song as a new story The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Coca-Cola
1+1 media #forgetaboutage 1+1 media 1+1 media
banda Oh, com'on! Pumping Ukrainian women's confidence Work.ua Work.ua
50. Brand Experience
Adsapience The Game is started. Test yourself Lenovo Lenovo
Adsapience Mastercard. Brand with purpose Mastercard Ukraine Mastercard
Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine Only Coke CAN do this The Coca-Cola-Ukraine Limited Liability Company Coca-Cola
Havas Digital Kyiv Durnev, Freud and shame on you Nestle Ukraine Nescafe 3in1
banda What if parents find out what their kids are engaged in banda banda
banda Project 70: how to make a brand out of 10 vacancies banda banda
banda How goodwine made the most human loyalty program goodwine goodwine
51. Media innovation/Idea
ODDEE Agency Pit Bull Fight New Products Group Pit Bull
Media First Ukraine #laysmoviegon PepsiCo Ukraine Lay’s
banda Instoptica: fighting for Ukrainians’ eyesight in the belly of the beast Luxoptica Luxoptica
52. Target audience reach in media campaign
Digital Choo Emotional Targeting Pari-Match Parimatch
Zenith How to find new audience to boost brand-leader’s growth L'Oréal Ukraine L'Oreal Paris
Starcom Narrow targeting for wide diagonal or how large Samsung TVs have become sales giants in the new segment Samsung Electronics Samsung QLED
53. Engaged Community
U.N.C.L.E. FRIENDS - Community for girls LLC «Kimberly-Clark Ukraine» Kotex
banda Nekaktus: all the creatives under one roof banda banda
banda How to make Ukrainians ambassadors for the brand of Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ukraine NOW
54. Media Content Partnerships
Media First Ukraine For girls of all ages Bella Trade Bella
